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News from our AGM

Our AGM was held on Saturday 4th February 2023


At the meeting the following were elected to run the club on members behalf :

Commodore John Munns
Vice Commodore (Sailing) Bryan Gasson
Rear Commodore (House) Ifor Bielecki
Rear Commodore (Moorings and Boatyard)) Alan Jones
Honorary Treasurer Ian Shay
Honorary Secretary Tim Wood
Honorary Bosun Brian Warwick
Honorary Sailing Secretary (Vacancy)
General Committee Ian Low
Paul Tucker
Terry Thurgood
Simon Palmer
Graham Larkin
Sophie Preston-Hall
Richard Sharpe
Carol Britton-Reed
Mary Ann Poole
(3 Vacancies)

Any Club Officer or Committee Member can be contacted through the Club Office, email

I can also advise members of the following matters that were agreed at the AGM:-
  • The resolution to increase membership subscriptions was not passed, so subscriptions remain the same for the 2023-24 year.
  • The ‘member’s resolution’ concerning the pontoon and RIB docks, that was sent with your Meeting Agenda, was passed. These matters will now be addressed by the new Committee.
  • The resolution to elect Ian Shay, the club’s Honorary Treasurer, to Life membership of the club was passed with acclamation. I am sure members will join with me in congratulating Ian on this honour.


Tim Wood, Honorary Secretary, 5th February 2023.

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